Are your allergies out of control?

Are Your Allergies Making You Miserable?

Are the medications that you are taking relieving those symptoms working? Perhaps they are adding to your misery. I know when I was taking allergy medications, they would make me unable to think and possibly even more congested. Before I discovered halotherapy, I was pretty uncomfortable.  I honestly found that the medications did not help me much.

I was first introduced to halotherapy, also known as dry salt therapy, about two and half years ago while on a retreat in Vermont. It was May and I was congested, had a very unpleasant headache that wouldn’t quit, and was not really enjoying myself because I was so sick.

As an extra special treat, we went to a “salt cave” in Rutland, Vermont. I didn’t know anything about salt therapy and had no idea what to expect. We had to take our shoes off as we walked into a darkened room that had salt on the floor. We settled into very comfortable zero-gravity chairs and relaxed for 45 minutes.

I left that “cave” feeling great! In one 45-minute session, my headache and congestion were gone! You could have knocked me over with a feather. I came back to Massachusetts and so did my symptoms. Of course, the scientist in me wanted to know if this experience was real or just a fluke. I searched for salt rooms near me and there wasn’t one. I traveled to Salem, New Hampshire from Boston once a week to experience the healing power of salt and rid myself of allergy medications.

Realizing that there was something to salt therapy, I started researching it and found out that it has been used for centuries in Europe to help those with any kind of breathing condition from asthma, allergies, COPD, emphysema, colds, flu, bronchitis and more. It can also relieve symptoms of psoriasis and eczema and, the best part, it helps those with anxiety and depression too because of the negative ions that are naturally emitted into the air.

Just Breathe has been open for just over 2 years and I have many clients that will attest to the fact that their allergies are minimal or gone from coming to the salt room just once a week. I have one client, Sara, who went from 4 allergy medications down to one when she experiences salt therapy regularly. Another client was referred to me by an acupuncturist as a combined therapy to address her exposure to black mold that had severely affected her lungs. Rosie could barely breathe when she first came to me and now she walks 2 plus miles almost daily and has joined a gym.

Salt therapy can benefit anyone from infants to seniors. We do request that anyone under the age of 16 come with a guardian and take advantage of our family sessions.

If you have any questions, please call Just Breathe at 508-366-8292.