are you missing this?

Are You Missing This?

The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article that caught my eye. The headline was, “Are You Getting Too Much Salt in Your Diet? Probably Not.”

Many of the issues that I see with my clients as a Functional Medicine Health Coach are directly related to people consuming a low salt diet. Too little salt in the diet is associated with problems with muscle contraction (note, the heart is a muscle), nerve conduction, and maintaining a fluid balance intake (do you have swollen ankles?) The article points out that if we “consume too little sodium, our kidneys will go to extremes to conserve it. If we consume too much, it is eliminated through our skin, intestines, and kidneys.”

The problem isn’t with the amount of salt that people are consuming but with the type of salt. Salt  found in processed foods has been stripped of all its nutrients. Also, “iodized” salts are poor nutritional sources. Not because we don’t need iodine, because we do, but because other nutrients have been removed.

Craving salt is a sign that your body needs it. One common reason that people crave salt is issues with their adrenal glands. If you are chronically stressed, out which may have emotional causes such as a stressful job, being stuck in traffic, or the death of a loved one or physical causes such as food sensitivities, physical trauma such as surgery or a broken limb, or an imbalance in your gut microbiome, or it might be a combination of both, you may suffer from adrenal issues that are causing excess cortisol to be released into your blood stream. One sign of an overworked adrenal gland is salt cravings, so consider that the next time you reach for the potato chips.

Consume salts that come from the sea. Salts such as Himalayan Pink Salt, Celtic Salt, and Real Salt from Utah are all healthier choices. Himalayan salts have 84 minerals including iodine, magnesium, and manganese. Celtic salt has 115 minerals so that is an even better option, if you can find it.

Sole is salt that is dissolved in water and may be taken as a supplement. This is a great natural alternative to electrolyte drinks and it is truly simple to make your own:

Using a glass jar with a plastic or other non-metal lid, place 1-3 Himalayan salt crystals in an 8 to 16 ounce jar. Fill the jar with filtered water and swirl gently. Leave out overnight to allow the salt to dissolve into the water. The next day, if there is still some salt in the bottom of the jar, the maximum amount of salt has been absorbed and the sole is ready to use. If not, add more salt crystals and repeat. Stir 1 teaspoon of the sole into a glass of water daily.

If you are finding that you are craving salt, are chronically fatigued, have muscle issues, or have swollen ankles, salt may help you significantly.

For further information, or help in finding the root cause of your symptoms, Just Breathe is taking new Functional Medicine clients. Call 508-366-8292 to schedule your initial consult.

We look forward to helping you on your journey to less pain, fatigue, and fewer digestive issues.