A little knowledge can really help dispel fear.

Viruses are not new to the human population. In fact, it is estimated that 8% of our genetic make up has come from viruses.

Viruses are not a living entity. They require cells to reproduce. Viruses are balls of genetic yarn, placed in a bag of protein and, sometimes, put in a second bag made out of fat.

Viruses need cells to survive.

Our jobs are to not let the viruses into our cells and, if they do get in there, to make the living situation for those viruses to be as inhospitable as possible. To do this, we need to work to make sure that our immune system is working optimally:

  • Refrain from consuming sugar.
    •  Sugar is actually an immune suppressant and it has been shown to increase viral load.
    • By sugar, this includes natural sugars such as those in honey, maple syrup, and agave. To help remove sugar from your diet, sweeten your coffee and tea with stevia.
    • Many people do not realize how much sugar is in fruit juice. Dilute fruit juice with water and use less and less fruit juice until you are drinking just water.
  • Replace chips and cookies with fresh fruits and vegetables, mostly vegetables.
    • Rip up kale leaves and toss them with olive oil and nutritional yeast. Spread them out on a cookie sheet and roast them at 350F for about 20 minutes. Keep a close eye on them since they burn easily. Eat roasted kale instead of potato chips to get more green, leafy vegetables in your diet which are high in vitamin C.
    • For crunch, cut up carrots, celery, and jicama. Blend olives to make a paste and dip the cut up vegetables into the olive paste. It is crunchy and salty!
    • Consume good protein sources such as grass-fed beef and wild caught fish. These sources are naturally high in zinc which is needed to build a strong immune system. Eat these foods at least once a day.
    • Eat FAT! Good, healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, wild-caught fish, and olive oil. Most of the vitamins that are needed to build a healthy immune system are fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A,E, and D.
  • Control stress.
    • Besides decreasing the amount of white blood cells, which is a key part of the immune system, stress puts us in a “fight or flight” mode. In “fight or flight” mode our bodies:
      • Do not digest as well which means that the nutrients that are being consumed to not get absorbed and used as efficiently.
      • Slows down the elimination and detoxification processes so toxins build up in the body resulting in more auto immune diseases, headaches, stomaches, stiff joints, anxiety, depression, and more.
    • Ways to decrease stress include:
      • Gentle exercise such as yoga, walking, exercises that combine movement with spirituality.
      • Meditation
      • Baths
      • Reading light, fun books
      • Sleep
      • Respond to situations; don’t react

Dealing with a virus involves some training. If you have to do an uphill sprint and you have been hiking on a regular basis and are in generally good shape, that uphill sprint may be a little tiring but no big deal. However, if you have been a couch potato and have not been doing any exercise, that same uphill sprint may result in a heart attack.

This is the same for dealing with a virus or any other pathogen you encounter in your life. If you have been eating well, exercising, controlling your stress and listening to your body, getting sick is uncomfortable but you go to bed for a few days and are fine.

It is time to really start taking care of ourselves and stop expecting the medical community to do it for us!

Just Breathe is offering programs to strengthen and improve your immune system almost daily. Please, explore our upcoming events page or reach out to us at www.justbreatheasaltroom.com to learn more.

Missy Cohen is the owner of Just Breathe. She is also a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, who has a Masters Degree in Public Health, and worked for 30 years in hospital laboratories.  She entered the field when HIV/ AIDS was just entering the scene.